
Bill Beyer

DX Expedition veteran - N2WB DX Adventures! BILL BEYER / N2WB a well known, respected DXpeditioner and avid DXer has visited (58) DXCC entities and all seven continents. He has participated in (35+) DXpeditions, including two involving “top 20” DXCC entities, i.e. Spratly Island and Peter I Island. He has been an operator on 2 of the top 7 DXpeditions with the highest QSO totals. In addition, Bill has had the honor of having participated in several "TOP" DXpeditions and “DXpedition of the Year”.

He enjoys DX'ing and DXpeditions. Other callsigns have included: 4U1VIC, YI9PSE, OE/N2WB, TS7C, TX5C, FO5A/MM, J5C, XT2C, XT2CJ, 3Y0X, CE9/N2WB, XR9A, XR9A/MM, XR9A/8, CE0Z, 4U1ITU, F/N2WB, HB0/N2WB, DL/N2WB, LU/N2WB, CE8/N2WB, PJ4/N2WB, IS0/N2WB, T70A, 5J0X, HK0/N2WB, VP2MWB, V25WB, HH4/N2WB, ZL7C,ZL3/N2WB, J79WB, J68WB, KH9/N2WB, FG/N2WB, W4A, W1AW, J75J, J6J, FG5BG, WP2Z, 9M6OO Spratly Is., KP2/N2WB, KG4WB and 9M6AAC.

But probably most important, Bill has mentored or elmered literally dozens of DXers and DXpeditioners over the years. He has become a role model for many in the sport of DXing.

Home QTH is in Ormond Beach, Florida about 70 kilometers north/east of Orlando. Married to Dawn with one son, Billy.

Ham Radio has provided so many satisfying moments in my life that I could never repay the debt I owe to this avocation. The world of joy, good friends, world travel, public service and technical satisfaction cannot be matched by any other pursuit.

My thanks, to the many hams who have made the last 35+ years so much fun...DX RULES !!!

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